Pan-Fried Corvina

Pan-Fried Corvina


  • 12-oz corvina filet (or more, depending on your hunger level)

  • salt & pepper, to taste

  • 1 tsp paprika

  • 2 tsp olive oil

  • 1 Tbsp butter

  • 3 chopped garlic cloves

  • 1 Tbsp snipped parsley

  • lemon wedges


  1. Rinse the fish and pat dry. Sprinkle one side with salt, pepper and 1/2 tsp paprika; set aside.

  2. Heat the olive oil and butter in a skillet over medium. Once the skillet is hot and the butter is melted, add the fish, seasoned side down. Cook until half the thickness has turned opaque, about 4 minutes.

  3. While cooking, sprinkle top with salt, pepper and remaining 1/2 tsp paprika.

  4. Flip the filet and add chopped garlic to the skillet. Continue cooking until completely opaque, another 4 minutes.

  5. Remove from heat and cover; allow to rest for about 2 minutes before serving.

  6. Plate fish and garnish with lemon wedges and snipped parsley. Makes 2 servings.


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